I stare at men’s hips in hopes they were mine
So clearly defined and not a curve in sight
Walking along the beach shirtless, unaware of the privilege they carry
I sit here with my jacket zipped up and my jeans baggy
in fear of someone seeing my body
In fear of me seeing my body
The same body that has been harassed and assaulted for being what it is
Both by me and strangers on the street
And for quite some time I’ve struggled to eat
Shrinking my chest inch by inch until it doesn’t exist
Until my body is considered at risk
These men don’t know how lucky they are
So uncensored to the envy me and so many carry
Taller that 5’6 and you forget that quick
Clothes fit you in ways I can only dream of
People tell me it’s a choice to be this way
Can you tell me why I’d choose to live a life I despise?
A life where I can’t even hear about men without comparing every inch of my skin to them
I don’t choose to live like this
Why would I?